I just finished reading April's Voice of the Martyrs magazine. I highly recommend it if you don't receive it already. This month's focus was on North Korea, which was incredibly inspiring. It is unreal how much we take for granted as Americans. The persecution in some countries is intense. I wonder how long 'believers' would attend church in this Joel Osteen Era if we were to suffer real persecution.
I felt led to share this comment from Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs:
"We all have to die. The decision does not depend on us. If nothing follows, the most beautiful life is nothing more than a banquet offered to a condemned man before his execution. He gets dainties and then he is hanged. He may live in an ideal society, but eventually he will rot, forgotten forever by everyone.
Go comfort somebody who is dying in a cancer ward, or his family, with these words: "We are building a happy Socialist society," or "Science achieves great things. We have been to the moon and soon we will be on Venus." There is not much consolation in this. But tell the dying and the bereaved about the heavenly Father and the Christian's hope of living eternally with Him, and you will see the difference.
If the athiests are right and there is no life hereafter, "All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death" Shakespeare
This past year I have had alot of time to think about things like this and they are very true. When you are faced with the possibility of dying, nothing on this earth really matters except your faith in Jesus. So if you haven't already please repent of your sins and turn your life to Jesus. You will never regret it.