I just got done reading a post on the dailybell.com via Bloomberg about how Nicholas Sarkozy is pushing Obama into the acceptance of a Special Drawing Rights currency through the International Monetary Fund. http://www.thedailybell.com/2986/New-Crisis-New-Currency For those of you who don't know the SDR is the formation of a global currency run through the IMF. The Chinese have been calling for the SDR to be used as the new reserve currency of the world since the dollar is so weak.
I watch the global economy very closely and have seen the writing on the wall for years. The dollar will eventually collapse, but first the euro. Our stock market is in the tank. Our banks are on the verge of collapse. Moody's, the foremost ratings agency of government debt and sovereign nation debt downgraded Wells Fargo, Citibank, and Bank of America this week because the Fed is not guaranteeing their debt anymore. When you also factor in that real U.S. debt is some 60+ trillion when you include entitlements you realize how much trouble we are in. If one were to factor in entitlements we would have a worse situation than Greece.
So why am I writing all of this? I believe Jesus is coming back very soon. Please be ready at his coming. He loves us so much and wants to spend eternity with us. Don't be left behind.
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