So, once again, the economic news was not good today. Jobless claims went back up to 425,000 and the inflation index continues to look bad. The key to understanding all of this is when you look at Vox Day's data (; the only thing propping up our economy is government stimulus. Day has pretty much called the economy correctly since the beginning of the century. He predicted the mortgage meltdown and again maintains that we have been in a depression since '07. So why do I think this is happening to our country? Very simply, I believe that God is judging us. If you read Romans 1 and how God gives a nation over to its lusts when it accepts homosexuality, you will be able to understand more of this. We would be doing bad enough if that were the only problem. But then there's abortion. Since 1973 the United States has slaughtered around 55 million babies. To put this into perspective, most historians think that Stalin killed around 50 million of his own people. It is very interesting how most Americans think that ancient idolatry is a thing of the past. Today, instead of sacrificing most of our babies to molech we sacrifice them to the god of materialism. For those of you who believe that a baby is not a baby until it is born, I have some news for you. Multiple times in the Bible God says He forknew us before the creation of the world. This means that He knew who we were going to be even before He created Adam and Eve. God also says that John the Baptist kicked in his mother's womb before he was even born. This business of saying that a baby is not a child before it is born is quite possibly the biggest lie of this age (well, maybe if the theory of evolution wasn't around...). Evolution has given society the excuse to kill our babies since the baby is just going through the evolutionary process in the womb.
Getting back to the point of this post, I think that everything our country is going through today is because of the judgment of God. Tomorrow I will write about how we are treating Israel, and how that will have a great impact on our country in the future.
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